This is about Fortuna Estates aka Fortuna Land

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Paradise Lost


Hello everyone.

I am posting this on my rather boring blog on this subject and also sending it to myself with a bcc to everyone I have previously had any contact with by email. This is why it is coming to you (I have not sent it to two people I identify not to be on the side of the angels – two addresses supplied by Arshad in his (in)famous email of 13 November.)

I woke up today to find the Multiply Group OannaFortunaland had been cancelled. This did not surprise me too much as it has been dormant for a number of days, or to be more direct the “owner” of the group had neither posted nor approved a dozen new members, so I imagined he had been “detained” in one way or another!

In my heart of hearts I have said goodbye to my €29,000!! As this is so painful I was prepared to pursue the matter until I really reached the end of the rainbow. So did a few other people who may see this. For me it was part of the “grieving process”!!!

For some time I have been speculating that Mr Sherlock was actually part of, or ex-part of, the Fortuna family – perhaps someone who felt aggrieved for one or another reason. Perhaps he was the illusory gentleman who put his financial affairs in the name of his wife who later dumped him!! PTL I still trust my wife not to be so dastardly!

However may I draw your attention to this item posted by SeƱor “Damian” of the legal firm Vazquez Abogados in Malaga.

This is a tad complex but to abstract it into a few words, it confirms what others had suggested (and which I personally had always rejected as being totally unimaginable!!):

The whole Fortuna deal was a complete scam from the start to the finish and it worked like this – non Spanish concerns bought cheap bits of farm land, put it in hands of purpose built Spanish companies. Then the Fortuna Company (acting as an agent for the owners of the shares of these companies) sold shares in these companies purporting them to really be shares in valuable land…. Etc etc. Damian goes on to explain that a bunch of people are being investigated for fraud and so forth.

If this is true (and probably is!) it would explain why personal visitors to the posh Fortuna office were taken out to lunch and then to see a bit of prime beautiful land that actually bore no relationship whatsoever to land that may (or may not!) have been owned by the company in which they were proposing to buy land in!! In this case the two or three “senior land consultants” must have been part of the fraud (but the junior “salespersons” were probably not).

I repeat what Captain Scott wrote in his last message on the way back from the Pole: “May God help our people”.

As this is the only forum I know where people can share their views please feel to post comments. I am, if I can work out to do it, authorising the people who get this email by blind copy to post a blog entry (as distinct from a comment). It may take a day to work out how to do this

I will also be happy forward an e-mail from you to all of you (as a bcc group) if asked to do so. My email address is

(change the Zero after D to a letter O).



1 comment:

Arshad said...

Thanks Dok for the information. I had an idea that the complex web of companies was used to acquire the land and the shares in Fortuna were probably of little value.
However I believe we need to pursue relentlessly and discover the title to the land.
